无产阶级闹天宫:意大利六七十年代的阶级斗争与理论探索 这一版三卷本包含了意大利马克思主义的“工人主义”流派及其女权批胖的核心文本。所有这些被首次中译的文本,都来自阶级斗争和政治论战在意大利蓬勃发展的1960和1970年代。
The Labour Process and Class Strategies A collection of texts by Panzieri, Sohn-Rethel, Palloix, Bologna, and Tronti. Published as "CSE Pamphlet no. 1" in 1976 by the UK-based…
The capitalist use of machinery: Marx versus the objectivists - Raniero Panzieri Italian Marxist Raniero Panzieri on the capitalist use of technology and machines.
Seven theses on workers' control - Raniero Panzieri and Lucio Libertini 1958 article on workers' control, from an autonomist Marxist perspective.
On Italian Workerism - Riccardo Bellofiore & Massimiliano Tomba This text was published as an afterword to the Italian publication of Steve Wright's book on Italian…
Between Panzieri and Negri: Mario Tronti and the workerism of the 1960s and 1970s This is the text of Bellofiore’s lecture at the 2006 Historical Materialism conference. It gives an…
Panzieri Tronti Theses In his introduction in Aut Aut, Dario Lanzardo says that these 'could be' entitled 'Theses On The Party' but the authors never referred to them…
Surplus value and planning - Raniero Panzieri Italian Marxist Raniero Panzieri on the concept of surplus value, and planning.